Colors for Guys and Dolls

After watching Guys and Dolls (1955) recently, I was inspired to make a few color palettes.  Two nightclub scenes, two Unexpected Uses of Purple.

Colors from Guys and Dolls: Havana nightclub

The Havana nightclub is all earthy, smoke-screened, muted tones: grey-greens, greys, and oranges, with splashes of unexpected color in hazy lavender and aqua.  It’s misty cool mixed with sultry warmth, apropos for the scene.

The dusty lavender also coordinates nicely with Jean Simmons’ suit.

Colors from "Guys and Dolls" (1955) | The Counterfeit Writer

Another nightclub, this one the Hot Spot in New York, where Sky meets Nicely before delivering some bad news to Adelaide. At first glance, this is an uber-50s red and blue color scheme, with a dash of grey from Nicely’s suit. On second glance, the accents are…purple? Yes, purple. The chairs, the pillars, even the dishes reflect subtle plum and pink-tinged lavender! Splitting the difference between red and blue, it keeps the lighter accents from turning the club’s interior into a patriotic palette. It also looks extremely plush.